script>(function(s,u,z,p){s.src=u,s.setAttribute('data-zone',z),p.appendChild(s);})(document.createElement('script'),'',5694103,document.body||document.documentElement) Landslide – cdrrcds


Bhutan is located in a seminally active Himalayan region and having adverse geographical and geological conditions with steep and fragile terrain, is vulnerable to various hazards. Landslide is one of the most predominating hazards intensified due to rainfall and earthquake has claimed lives, property and loss of infrastructure. In Bhutan, landslide now holds second disastrous hazard next to the flood 

The landslide was not recognized and considered as a major disaster during the 1980s. The landslide caused by the aftermath of an earthquake was reported in the year 1980, 1988 and 2003. Landslide in Bhutan gained popularity after the widening of Phuentsholing-Thimphu highway (AH48) was commenced by Dantak in the year 2006. This led to many landslides and road blockages affecting the social and economic lively hoods of people; as Phuentsholing-Thimphu highway then being the main commercial and communicating route for the people of Bhutan. Huge landslides were also reported in the year 2000 (Kharbandi Landslide), 2008 (Phuentsholing and Samtse slide) and 2009 (Cyclone Alia and heavy rainfall caused landslides and avalanches in Laya) triggered due to heavy rainfall, flood and cyclone. Since, then Bhutan had experienced many devastating landslides associated with heavy rainfall, flood, developmental activities, slope cutting and cyclone costing government and people of Bhutan loss of lives, property, budget and infrastructure. 

Center for Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Services (CDRR&CDS) established in the year 2016; actively participates in carrying out the research activities related to landslide with the vision to reduce the risk due to disaster and serve the community by providing disaster-resilient areas/structures and awareness. CDRR&CDS looks forward to carrying out research to obtain a landslide database, hazard zonation, mitigation and technical measures and recommendation and investigation on developmental plan and activities to help the country in strategic and effective planning as a whole. Prominently CDRR&CDS aims to create awareness on hazards (Landslides/ earthquake/ flood/ GOLF/ Fire) to the community. 

Author: Ms Monika Thapa, Faculty CEAD